This is an excerpt from the message "what is your story about?" I shared, by the help of God, in September 2013 at NCCF Refuge Chapter, Nassarawa-Eggon, Nasarawa state.
The message:
A colleague once asked me, "What is your story? Tell me how you got here." Trust me, the question did sound bizarre as at the time. Because all I was out for was an evening of good company and some laughter. Not some intense hearty discourse. Well, telling one's story is pretty intense.
Each one of us have a story. None is unimportant.
Today, we are looking at the life of a man who also had a story. His was a problem he had carried around for 38 years.
This man needed a lifting, an opportunity to change his story.
Text: John 5:1-11.
Here are some things to note:
1. The man was right where he needed to be. But he was limited. Many of us are at our point of breakthrough. We are ready to launch into something new and bigger but we are limited.
2. Jesus recognised that the man by the pool needed help. That is the same way he knows each of us. Although there were many others at the pool, the expectation of the man endeared him to Christ. Do you have an expectation about changing your situation?
3. Jesus is gracious. He looked beyond the "pity-me" outlook of the man and spoke the Word that brought his healing.
4. The words Jesus Christ spoke were instructive. The man obeyed and got his healing. A problem he carried around for 38 years disappeared with just a word and his willingness to obey.
The word of the Lord is still at work today. God is speaking into our lives. But different factors hinder the manifestation:
a. We are not expectant
b. We are not obedient
c. We are enabling darkness
To change our story, we need to change our attitude. It starts with changing the state of our hearts.
Bible Texts: Ezekiel 36:26-27, Luke 11:31-36.
You might be saying, "but I have done all that." Well hear God's word in Isaiah 43:18-19.
Forget the old.
God wants to manifest Himself in you in a new way. It will make many wonder because by their timing you should still be sitting in self-pity like the man by the pool.
Bible Text: John 5:12
The timing of God's miraculous manifestation is not limited by man's timing or method. Note that the man was healed on a sabbath day.
Jesus spoke a word. He did not throw him into the pool as usual, as set by tradition.
God is willing to do same in you and through you. Are you willing to obey His word?
Let us pray: Ezekiel 36: 26-27
Lord Jesus, I thank you for your word. Today I ask for your help. Lord, put a new spirit in me to change my way of thinking. Take out my heart of stone and replace it with a tender obedient heart. Help me to carefully obey your commands. Change my story for good and fill my life with testimonies. Amen.
Please note:
(In the process of typing this message text, some sentences were reversed for readability and easy understanding).