Friday, April 15, 2011

Caught staring into yesterday #NigeriaDecides

Dear Son,
I got the note that you sent to me
and those horrifying pictures too,
the memory of both I can’t still erase.
I cannot begin to tell you
how pained I was to see all those bodies lying
there lifeless and wasted.
Bodies without faces, faces without traces!
Was it war? The war caused by greed!
I could tell most victims were innocent
Poor innocent always fall victim in war.
To answer your question on war:
There was never any war yesterday
Oh! Do not get me wrong, friend.
We fought for each other,
Our war was never against our own brother.
There was greed, sure there was greed
but power was never imposed on the greedy.
When I look back at yesterday,
I see a lot of differences in today.
Isn’t today the easier and wiser?
But a great madness has befallen the land.
Men no longer grieve for their own sin.
Now to answer your question on sin:
All have sinned, that is true.
But the lack of fear of God
has hardened so many hearts.
Men trembled in reverence to God yesterday,
but today, high sounding philosophies
and the wisdom of this world
mix-up what is and ought to be.
I hear taboos have become legalized.
Pre-marital sex is now displayed like wares on market stall.
And the media, the whistle-blowers
provide a bewildering array of choices.
A preacher walked into this ward to pray
I couldn’t say amen until he left.
I was afraid he would charge me for responding to his prayer.
And you know your poor old man have got no money.
I hear preaching is now a lucrative business
for every Jim, Joe and James.
The pulpit is now a hot spot for showcasing
the acrobatic display of wolves in sheep clothing.
Does that answer your question on religion?
Be careful where you lay your head son.
Look at the direction of where the sun is rising
before you take a step, for the days are evil.
May God forgive those politicians in old political boots
Who are still using youths,
the posterity of the nation
for selfish political war against their rivals.
They shamelessly pant after the next election
instead grooming the next generation.
Ostracize yourself from their dissent,
and go on your knees when everyone else take up arms.
I do not mean the usual hypocritical SOS call made in a rush.
The prayer of the humble, God never neglects.
I feel rejuvenated writing you these lines,
and I am looking forward to seeing you again!
How old are you now? Twenty?
You remind me so much of my youth.
Except, yours is an age plagued by political and religious unrest,
fear of economic recession, negligence of societal values,
burden of broken relationships and dysfunctional homes.
How time changes yesterday!
But still, your drive and passion for change,
brings sunshine to my gloomy old-age.
In your voice,
I hear the joyful drum of what tomorrow holds,
daring me to hope beyond hope, despite the brokenness of today.
Your great-grand-uncle.
(c) Jennifer Ehidiamen
“In Preserve My Saltiness Jennifer addresses life’s everyday experiences to our world’s trends and shared challenges of the 21st century.  Every poem embodies piercing insight and breathless passion. Click here for more info about “Preserve My Saltiness”